Upon a backdrop of increasing income inequality and social injustice, Sly deSilva and Jagger James deliver an electrifying mix of nihilistic bangers and thoughtful reflections. With ruthless bars over nocturnal instrumentation, these two adversarial forces face off over morality and wealth, creating the perfect soundtrack for life in an era of unrestrained capitalism.

The hero.
Working man's hero. Blue collar bard. Dreamer.
He is everyone struggling to get by. He is every laborer.
Every 12 hour shift. Every dream to be something more.
The dedicated and personable Jagger James is the hardworking everyman, who perseveres in a world set up for him to fail. He extols the virtues of following the right path, and staying true to oneself, even while wrestling with the harsh reality that it may never pay off for a young minority in a dog-eat-dog world. He combines admirable optimism with palpable desperation, as the voice of the working class in the modern era.
With a boisterous delivery, and an infectious swagger, he brings energy to every track on Trillions as he fights to make his own path in the world.
He is truly a free man.

The villain.
Late stage capitalist. White collar gangster rapper. Evil incarnate.
He is everything wrong with the world. He is every oppressor. Every injustice. Every cruelty.
The ultimate man-behind-the-curtain, Sly deSilva is the puppetmaster who pulls all the strings, from politics to the street corner. He approaches themes of greed, corruption, oppression and injustice with a smirking bragadoccio style, gleefully appropriating genre tropes and hip-hop culture along the way. His mix of clever lyricism, dark humor and sobering reality mark his work as a distinctive voice in hip-hop.
His choppy flows and menacing delivery haunt the tracks on Trillions, as he antagonizes, taunts, threatens, and tempts with offers of material wealth and a life of luxury.
All it costs is your soul.

24/7 Music video